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Knowledge, which we co-create with our research partners in Europe and around the world, is transferred regularly to our younger colleagues and to professional practice.

Our most important consulting projects in recent times include:

  • Participation in the second periodic safety review of the Krško NPP (in the areas of deterministic safety analysis, probabilistic safety assessment and risk analysis of the power plant), contracting authority Nuklearna elektrarna Krško d. o. o., 2011–2013.
  • Training and tutoring for experts of the nuclear regulatory authorities and technical and scientific support organizations of third countries, contracting authorities European Commission and Iter Consult, 2012–2013.
  • Participation in the international program CAMP (computer programs RELAP, TRACE and PARCS), contracting authority NEK d.o.o. and SNSA, since 1986.
  • Safety characteristics of potential reactors for the second unit of the Krško nuclear power plant, contracting authority GEN energija d. o. o., 2011–2012.
  • Severe accidents management in generation III reactors, contracting authority GEN energija d. o. o., 2009–2010.
  • Strategic role of nuclear power production in comparison with other sources and impact on the Slovenian economy, contracting authority Ministry of Economy, 2009–2011.
  • Vulnerability of nuclear installations in the event of an attack with explosive devices, contracting authority Electric Power Research Institute, 2005.
  • The world’s first analysis of the vulnerability of nuclear power plants to terrorist and military attacks (during The Process of Slovenian Independence, 1991).

Here you can read more about consulting topics, our references and our partners.


Animation model simulation of the Krško NPP during small loss of coolant accident.


Page editor: Matej Tekav?i?

Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research articl...
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