| Expertise
Jožef Stefan Institute is an authorized expert for radiation and nuclear safety as defined in Ionising Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act (ZVISJV). Our department comprises the bulk of such activities within the Institute.
Authorization for carrying out our expertise is given to us by the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA):
- with authorization numbered 3571-1/2022/2, given on 11. 3. 2022 (for duration of 5 years).
With its research and expertise, Jožef Stefan Institute contributes to safe production of nuclear energy from when first drafts for Krško Nuclear Power Plant were made to the present.

Krško Nuclear Power Plant
Members of our Department were present at changes and tests of safety equipment in Krško Nuclear Power Plant in every overhaul from beginning of operation in 1982.
On 3rd of July 2013 we became a member of the European association of nuclear assessment bodies ETSON.
Members of ETSON met high standards of ethics and quality, including long-term research program.
Highlighted references in recent yearsOther important projects in recent years:
- URŠIČ, Mitja, CIZELJ, Leon, DRAKSLER, Martin, GARRIDO, Oriol Costa, EL SHAWISH, Samir, JAZBEC, Anže, KLJENAK, Ivo, KOKALJ, Janez, KONČAR, Boštjan, KREN, Jan, KRPAN, Rok, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MEDE, Timon, MIKUŽ, Blaž, PROŠEK, Andrej, TEKAVČIČ, Matej, TISELJ, Iztok, TRKOV, Andrej, ZAJEC, Boštjan.
Neodvisno strokovno mnenje pooblaščenega izvedenca za sevalno in jedrsko varnost : strokovna ocena remontnih del, posegov in preskusov med zaustavitvijo Nuklearne elektrarne Krško in menjavo goriva med remontom 2022. (IJS report, 14122). 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 131443971]
- URŠIČ, Mitja, CIZELJ, Leon, PROŠEK, Andrej.
Independent expert opinion by the authorized radiation and nuclear safety expert : technical specifications (Tables 2.2-1, 3.3-1, 3.3-3 and 3.6-1) and USAR (Tables 6.2-50 and 7.2-1, Chapter changes : in compliance with quality assurance program. (IJS report, 13283, rev.0). 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 41107715]
- URŠIČ, Mitja, CIZELJ, Leon, PROŠEK, Andrej.
Modification 1007-XI-L, "Construction of NEK emergency control room - NPP Krško ECR" : independent expert opinion by the authorized radiation and nuclear safety expert : in compliance with quality assurance program. (IJS report, 12489). 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 31417383]
- KLJENAK, Ivo, CIZELJ, Leon, DRAKSLER, Martin, MATKOVIČ, Marko, PROŠEK, Andrej, URŠIČ, Mitja.
Independent expert opinion by authorized radiation and nuclear safety expert : spent fuel pool alternative cooling design (Mod. 1028-SF-L). (IJS report, 12339). 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 31001895]
Page editor: Janez Kokalj |
Fast Fourier transform approach to strain gradient crystal plasticity: Regularization of strain localization and size effect | Fast Fourier transform approach to strain gradient crystal plasticity: Regularization of strain localization and size effect
Amirhossein Lame Jouybari, dr. Samir El Shawish and dr. Leon Cizelj from the Reactor Engineering Divis... | Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials | Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research artic... | |