European project ENEN + accepted
Just accepted ENEN+ project titled "Attract, Develop and Retain a new nuclear talents" falls within the portfolio of EURATOM Horizon 2020 projects. The primary purpose of ENEN+ is to contribute to the revival of younger generation interests to careers in the nuclear sector. For this purpose, the following main activities are intended:
- Attract new talents for the nuclear professions. We will focus on high school students, students of the first cycle Bologna and young professionals from other fields.
- Develop new attracted talents beyond the boundaries of academic programs. A healthy balance between knowledge, skills and responsibility will be promoted with personal career guidance and financial support for mobility.
- Retain several new talents in nuclear professions, namely through enhanced mentoring and supported mobility.
- Include nuclear stakeholders in the European Community and wider. Strategic communication and integration at first in the European Community and then globally, will contribute to the maintenance and development of a stable education and training system, which will satisfy the needs.
- Maintain a revived interest in nuclear professions by establishing a mobility fund and voluntary accreditation of nuclear education and training.
22 project partners of ENEN+ will focus primarily in the professions and experts in the fields of nuclear engineering and safety, radioactive waste disposal, radiation protection and nuclear applications in medicine. Among the partners are European universities and research institutes, industry (Westinghouse, Tecnatom, EDF) and international organizations (ENS, FORATOM, IAEA, NUGENIA, EFOMP), and from Slovenia Institute "Jožef Stefan" and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana.
Cooperation of all nuclear stakeholders is crucial for the success of the project. Within three years ENEN+ with support from the European Commission for the mobility of students and young professionals will spend more than EUR 1 million. The project will be coordinated by the ENEN Association under the leadership of Prof. Leon Cizelj.