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Welcome to the Reactor Engineering Division!

We are the sole internationally recognized research group active in nuclear engineering and nuclear safety in Slovenia. Our research, education and consultancy activities contribute to the development of technical and human resources supporting the safe operation of nuclear facilities and to the advancement of nuclear science in Slovenia and beyond.


 Thermal-Hydraulics Experimental Laboratory for Multiphase Applications (THELMA). 
Foto: Arne Hodalič, Katja Bidovec
Our laboratory THELMA, photo Arne Hodalič, Katja Bidovec, Delo.


Fast Fourier transform approach to strain gradient crystal plasticity: Regularization of strain localization and size effect
Fast Fourier transform approach to strain gradient crystal plasticity: Regularization of strain localization and size effect Amirhossein Lame Jouybari, dr. Samir El Shawish and dr. Leon Cizelj from the Reactor Engineering Divis...
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research artic...
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