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Matjaž Leskovar

Senior Research Associate

Jožef Stefan
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone: +386 1 5885 271
Fax: +386 1 5885 377




Research Interests

  • Severe accidents in nuclear power plants
  • Fuel coolant interactions, Steam explosions
  • Numerical simulations of multi-phase flow
  • Coupling of thermal-hydraulic and neutronic calculations for fusion reactor
  • Development of demonstration fusion power plant DEMO
  • MC3D (computer code for the simulation of fuel-coolant interactions, being developed by IRSN, France)
  • MELCOR (computer code for the simulation of severe accidents in nuclear power plants, developed at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)



Professional Experience

Management Experience

  • Member of demonstration fusion power plant DEMO development project board (from 2019)
  • Coordinator of International severe accident research program CSARP for Slovenia (from 2015)
  • Chair of TRIGA Mark II Reactor Safety Committee (from 2015)

Professional Societies

Selected Publications

The full list of publications is maintained by COBISS. Links to publications use the Digital Object Identifier System DOI.

Articles in SCI Journals

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, CENTRIH, Vasilij, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja. Analysis of oxidation influence on steam explosion energetics. Annals of Nuclear Energy, ISSN 0306-4549, 2016, vol. 90, str. 441-449, doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2015.12.037.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, CENTRIH, Vasilij, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja. Simulation of steam explosion in stratified melt-coolant configuration. Nuclear Engineering and Design, ISSN 0029-5493, 2016, vol. 296, str. 19-29, doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2015.10.026.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja. Ex-vessel steam explosion analysis for pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, ISSN 1738-5733, 2016, vol. 48, no. 1, str. 72-86, doi: 10.1016/

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MEIGNEN, Renaud. Eulerian modelling of melt solidification impact during fuel-coolant interaction. Annals of Nuclear Energy, ISSN 0306-4549, 2015, 10 str., doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2015.01.003

PROŠEK, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Use of FFTBM by signal mirroring for sensitivity study. Annals of Nuclear Energy, ISSN 0306-4549, 2015, vol. 76, str. 253-262, doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2014.09.051.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja. Analysis of PWR ex-vessel steam explosion for axial and side melt release. Nuclear Engineering and Design, ISSN 0029-5493, 2015, 11 str., doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.03.014.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, BÜRGER, Manfred, BUCK, Michael. Hydrodynamic fine fragmentation of partly solidified melt droplets during a vapour explosion. International journal of heat and mass transfer, ISSN 0017-9310, sep. 2014, vol. 76, str. 90-98, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.03.066.

MEIGNEN, Renaud, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, et al. Status of steam explosion understanding and modelling. Annals of Nuclear Energy, ISSN 0306-4549, 2014, 9 str., doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2014.07.008.

HONG, Seong-Wan, PILUSO, Pascal, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Status of the OECD-SERENA project for the resolution of ex-vessel steam explosion risks. Journal of energy and power engineering, ISSN 1934-8975, 2013, vol. 7, no. 3, str. 423-431.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Temperature profile modelling in fuel-coolant interaction codes. Int. j. heat mass transfer. 2012, vol. 55, no. 19/20, str. 5350-5356, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.05.052.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Simulations of KROTOS alumina and corium steam explosion experiments : applicability of the improved solidification influence modelling. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2012, vol. 246, str. 163-174, doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.12.021.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Improved solidification influence modelling for Eulerian fuel-coolant interaction codes. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2011, vol. 241, no. 4, str. 1206-1216, doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.05.001.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Material properties' influence in fuel-coolant interaction codes. J. eng. gas turbine power, 2010, vol. 132, no. 7, str. 072901-1-072901-7.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Analysis of ex-vessel steam explosion pressure loads. Stroj. vestn., 2010, vol. 56, no. 6, str. 368-376.

PROŠEK, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Extensions of the fast Fourier transform based method for quantitative assessment of code calculations. Elektrotehniški vestnik. 2009, vol. 76, no. 5, str. 251-256.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Pressure load estimation during ex-vessel steam explosion. J. eng. gas turbine power, 2009, vol. 131, no. 3, str. 032901-1-032901-7.

CIZELJ, Leon, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, ÄŒEPIN, Marko, MAVKO, Borut. A method for rapid vulnerability assessment of structures loaded by outside blasts. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2009, vol. 239, no. 9, str. 1641-1646, doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2008.07.004.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, URŠIÄŒ, Mitja. Estimation of ex-vessel steam explosion pressure loads. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2009, vol. 239, no. 11, str. 2444-2458.

PROŠEK, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Quantitative assessment with improved fast Fourier transform based method by signal mirroring. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2008, vol. 238, no. 10, str. 2668-2677.

URŠIÄŒ, Mitja, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Analysis of TROI-13 steam explosion experiment. Sci. Technol. Nucl. Install. 2008, 9 str., doi: 10.1155/2008/852047.

HORVAT, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Comparison of heat transfer conditions in tube bundle cross-flow for different tube shapes. Int. j. heat mass transfer. 2006, vol. 49, no. 5-6, str. 1027-1038.

ÄŒEPIN, Marko, CIZELJ, Leon, LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Vulnerability analysis of a nuclear power plant considering detonations of explosive devices. J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 2006, vol. 43, no. 10, str. 1258-1269.

CIZELJ, Leon, KONÄŒAR, Boštjan, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Vulnerability of a partially flooded PWR reactor cavity to a steam explosion. Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2006, vol. 236, no. 10, str. 1617-1627.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Simulation of the Phebus FPT1 severe accident experiment with the MELCOR computer code. Stroj. vestn., 2006, letn. 52, št. 3, str. 142-160.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, KONÄŒAR, Boštjan, CIZELJ, Leon. Simulation of a reactor cavity steam explosion with a general purpose computational fluid dynamics code. Stroj. vestn., 2006, letn. 52, št. 5, str. 292-308.

CLÉMENT, Bernard, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Thematic network for a Phebus FPT-1 international standard problem (THENPHEBISP). Nucl. Eng. Des.. 2005, vol. 235, str. 347-357.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. An original combined multiphase model of the steam-explosion premixing phase. Stroj. vestn., 2002, letn. 48, št. 8, str. 438-448.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Simulation of the isothermal QUEOS steam-explosion premixing experiment Q08. Stroj. vestn., 2002, letn. 48, št. 8, str. 449-458.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Steam explosion premixing phase simulation using an original combined multiphase model. Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 2001, vol. 85, str. 354-255.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MARN, Jure, MAVKO, Borut. Numerical analysis of multiphase mixing - comparison of first and second order accurate schemes. Fluid mech. res., 2000, vol. 27, str. 1-32.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MARN, Jure, MAVKO, Borut. The influence of the accuracy of numerical methods on steam explosion premixing-phase simulation results. Stroj. vestn., 2000, vol. 46, št. 9, str. 607-621.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut, MARN, Jure. High resolution method applied to premixing phase of steam explosion. Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 1997, vol. 77, str. 433-434.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MARN, Jure. Steam explosions : probabilistic approach. V: MAHRENHOLTZ, Oskar (ur.), KREUZER, E... (ur.). 3rd International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 95), Hamburg, Germany, July 3-7, 1995. ICIAM/GAMM 95, Applied sciences, especially Mechanics : contributed lecture and poster presentation, (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 76, Suppl. 5, 1996). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996, 1996, vol. 76, suppl. 5, str. 291-292.

MARN, Jure, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Simulation of steam explosion premixing phase using probabilistic multiphase flow equations. Fluid mech. res., 1996, vol. 22, št. 1, str. 29-40.

Chapters in Books

PROŠEK, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Use of fast Fourier transform for sensitivity analysis. V: SALIH, Mohammed Salih (ur.). Fourier transform - signal processing and physical sciences. Rijeka: InTech, cop. 2015, pp. 51-77.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Simulation of ex-vessel steam explosion. V: TSVETKOV, Pavel V. (ur.). Nuclear power - operation, safety and environment. Rijeka: InTech, cop. 2011, pp. 207-236.

PROŠEK, Andrej, LESKOVAR, Matjaž. Application of fast Fourier transform for accuracy evaluation of thermal-hydraulic code calculation. V: NIKOLIĆ, Goran S. (ur.). Fourier transforms - approach to scientific principles. Rijeka: In-Tech, cop. 2011, pp. 447-468.

LESKOVAR, Matjaž, MAVKO, Borut. Opis mešalne faze parne eksplozije z izvirnim kombiniranim večfaznim modelom. V: FLORJANÄŒIÄŒ, Urška (ur.), MUSAR, Aleš (ur.). Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji - novo tisočletje, Naravoslovje in tehnika : jesen - zima. Ljubljana: Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije, 2001.

Scientific Research Projects (selected recent)

OECD-NEA: SERENA (Steam Explosion REsolution for Nuclear Applications), Operating agents: CEA, France and KAERI, Korea, JSI Project leader: M. Leskovar (Vice-Chairman of Programme Review Group and Leader of Analytical Working Group)

7th Framework Programme of the EC: Network of Excellence SARNET2 (Severe accident research network of excellence 2), Coordinator: IRSN, France, JSI Project leader: M. Leskovar

EFDA: Power Plant Physics & Technology Design Tools and Methodologies - Blanket System for DEMO fusion power plant, JSI Project leader: M. Leskovar

International Research Project ARRS-CEA (France): Investigation of Stratified Steam Explosions, Project leader: M. Leskovar

KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)-JSI Cooperation: Fuel-Coolant Interactions Relating to Steam Explosions, JSI project leader: M. Leskovar

IRSN (France)-JSI Cooperation: MC3D Software Agreement, JSI project leader: M. Leskovar


Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research artic...
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