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prof. dr. Leon Cizelj Department head
Tanja Klopčič Business secretary
Nina Rehar Division secretary


prof. dr. Borut Mavko  

Senior Researchers

dr. Oriol Costa Garrido  
dr. Martin Draksler  
dr. Samir El Shawish  
doc. dr. Ivo Kljenak  
dr. Janez Kokalj  
doc. dr. Boštjan Končar  
dr. Rok Krpan   
dr. Matjaž Leskovar  
dr. Timon Mede  
dr. Blaž Mikuž  
dr. Andrej Prošek vodja službe QA
prof. dr. Iztok Tiselj vodja podiplomskega študija Jedrska tehnika
dr. Matej Tekavčič  
dr. Mitja Uršič  
dr. Boštjan Zajec  

Junior Researchers

Aljoša Gajšek  
Jan Kren  
Nejc Kromar  
Amirhossein Lame  
Patrik Tarfila  

Technical Support

Zoran Petrič  
Andrej Sušnik  
Žiga Perne  


prof.dr. Andro Alujevič mag. Samo Hrvatin Nataša Pouh
dr. Miroslav Babić Radko Istenič Boštjan Primec
Dečan Beader Katarina Janežič Ida Radan
Ovidiu-Adrian Berar Andrej Jerele Mirjana Radović
dr. Robert Bergant dr. Romana Jordan Igor Ravnikar
Janez Bevk mag. Mihael Jurkovič mag. Marko Senčar
Silvo Bizjak dr. Duško Kančev Andreja Sever
Beti Bobnar Najžer Marjan Klobučar dr. Mohit Pramod Sharma
Dušan Bosnar Mirko Kocuvan dr. Igor Simonovski
Petar Brajak Iztok Kordiš dr. Andrej Stritar
Sandi Cimerman mag. Darko Korošec dr. Janez Sušnik
Zhengxiang Chen mag. Venceslav Kostadinov dr. Igor Šalamun
Raphaël Connes dr. Aleš Košir prof.dr. Božidar Šarler
prof.dr. Marko Tomaž Čepin dr. Marko Kovač dr. Aljaž Škerlavaj
dr. Gregor Černe dr. Mitja Kožuh dr. Luka Štrubelj
dr. Milorad Dušić Anil Kumar Basavaraj Urša Knific Terze
mag. Tomaž Dvoršek Matic Kunšek dr. Mihaela Irina Uplaznik
mag. Ljubo Fabjan Marija Loh dr. Jelko Urbančič
dr. Cédric Flageul prof.dr. Jure Marn mag. Djordje Vojnović
dr. Janez Gale dr. Marko Matkovič Nikola Veljanovski
dr. Blaže Gjorgiev dr. Jure Mencinger doc. dr. Andrija Volkanovski
Miran Gorenec dr. Jure Oder  Zlatka Vrhovec Mikolič
dr. Oton Gortnar dr. Iztok Parzer Samo Zabovnik
mag. Miroslav Gregorič Klavdij Paulus dr. Boštjan Zafošnik
mag. Irena Hauer prof.dr. Stojan Petelin mag. Djordje Žebeljan
dr. Romain Henry Gorazd Peterlin Miran Željko
dr. Tadej Holler Matej Pokorn prof. dr. Zdenka Ženko
dr. Andrej Horvat prof.dr. Nik Popov  


Page editor: Matej Tekavčič

Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research artic...
Young researcher Aljoša Gajšek was awarded EUROfusion Engineering Grant
The EUROfusion Engineering Grant (EEG) was awarded to 16 candidates from a wide range of 55 different competence areas, interesting for development of fusion technologies. The EEG was also awarded to young researcher Aljoša Gajšek from th...
EMUG meeting
Previous week, between April 12 and 14, the EMUG (European MELCOR and MACCS User Group) meeting was held in Slovenia, organized by the Reactor Engineering Division, JSI in cooperation with the Paul Scherrer Institute from Switzerland. The meeting was a...
Grain boundary stresses in elastic materials
Grain boundary stresses in elastic materials Dr. Samir El Shawish and dr. Timon Mede from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published an article “Grain boundary stresses in elastic materials&rdqu...
Joint European Torus (JET) device released a record 59 MJ of sustained fusion energy
Researchers from the EUROfusion consortium, including JSI researchers, used the Joint European Torus (JET) device to release a record 59 MJ of sustained fusion energy. The breakt...
Turbulent Flow over Confined Backward-Facing Step: PIV vs. DN
Boštjan Zajec, Marko Matkovič, Nejc Kosanič, Jure Oder, Blaž Mikuž, Jan Kren and Iztok Tiselj from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the article “Turbul...
Prof. dr. Leon Cizelj elected as the president of the European Nuclear Society (ENS)
Prof. dr. Leon Cizelj was elected as the president of the European Nuclear Society (ENS; for 2022 and 2023 at the proposal of the Nuclear Society of Slo...
New experimental campaign - Investigation of Temperature Fluctuations in a Fully Developed Channel Flow
New experimental campaign - Investigation of Temperature Fluctuations in a Fully Developed Channel Flow Dr. Mohit Sharma and colleagues have performed turbulent heat transfer experiments with the heated thin fo...
A single grain boundary parameter to characterize normal stress fluctuations in materials with elastic cubic grains
Dr. Samir El Shawish and dr. Timon Mede from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute, in collaboration with dr. Jeremy Hure from Université Paris-Saclay, CEA (France) published the article &l...
Modelling of premixed layer formation in stratified fuel–coolant configuration
Janez Kokalj, dr. Mitja Uršič and dr. Matjaž Leskovar from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the article »...
Validation of a morphology adaptive multi-field two-fluid model considering counter-current stratified flow with interfacial turbulence damping
Dr. Matej Tekavčič from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute in collaboration with researchers from the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany) published the article »...
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