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Mitja Urši?

Senior Research Associate

Jožef Stefan
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone: +386 1 5885 342
Fax: +386 1 5885 377


Research Interests

  • Severe accidents in nuclear power plants
  • Vapour explosions in water and sodium
  • Debris coolability
  • MC3D (program for simulating the interaction of a molten reactor core and water, being developed by IRSN, France)





Professional Experience


  • Nuclear Power Plant Krško outages, leader of Jožef Stefan Institute activities, since 2015
  • Independent expert opinion on Emergency control room in NPP Krško

Professional Societys

Selected Publications

The full list of publications is maintained by COBISS. Links to publications use the Digital Object Identifier System DOI.

Scopus Author ID: 6602270651;

 Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2016 - 2020:
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž. Investigation of challenges related to vapour explosion modelling in sodium. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020, vol. 363, pp. 110646-1-110646-15.
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Centrih Vasilij, Urši? Mitja, Kokalj Janez. Investigation of steam explosion duration in stratified configuration. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2019, vol. 353, pp. 110233-1-10233-14.
    • Prošek Andrej, Urši? Mitja. Review of design extension conditions experiments and analyses for non-degraded core. Energija, 2019, vol. 68, no. 2/3, pp. 112-125.
    • Kokalj Janez, Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Piar Libuse, Meignen Renaud. Modelling of debris bed reflooding in PEARL experimental facility with MC3D code. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, vol. 330, pp. 450-462.
    • Urši? Mitja, Meignen Renaud, Leskovar Matjaž. Analysis of film boiling heat transfer during fuel-coolant interaction. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2017, vol. 107, pp. 622-630,
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Centrih Vasilij, Urši? Mitja. Analysis of oxidation influence on steam explosion energetics. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016, vol. 90, pp. 441-449.
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Centrih Vasilij, Urši? Mitja. Simulation of steam explosion in stratified melt-coolant configuration. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, vol. 296, pp. 19-29. 
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Urši? Mitja. Ex-vessel steam explosion analysis for pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Technology,  2016, vol. 48(1), pp. 72-86.
  • 2011 - 2015
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Urši? Mitja. Analysis of PWR ex-vessel steam explosion for axial and side melt release. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, vol. 283, pp. 40-50.Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Meignen Renaud. Eulerian modelling of melt solidification impact during fuel-coolant interaction. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015, vol. 78, pp. 130-139.
    • Renaud Meignen, Bruno Raverdy, Michael Buck, Georg Pohlner, Pavel Kudinov, Weimin Ma, Claude Brayer, Pascal Piluso, Seong-Wan Hong, Matjaž Leskovar, Mitja Urši?, Giancarlo Albrecht, Ilona Lindholm, Ivan Ivanov. Status of steam explosion understanding and modelling . Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014, vol. 74, pp. 125-133.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Bürger Manfred, Buck Michael. Hydrodynamic fine fragmentation of partly solidified melt droplets during a vapour explosion. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2014, vol. 76, pp. 90-98.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž. Temperature profile modelling in fuel-coolant interaction codes. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2012, vol. 55 (19/20), pp. 5350-5356.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Mavko Borut. Simulations of KROTOS alumina and corium steam explosion experiments : applicability of the improved solidification influence modelling. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012, vol. 246, pp. 163-174.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Mavko Borut. Improved solidification influence modelling for Eulerian fuel-coolant interaction codes. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2011, vol. 241(4), pp. 1206-1216.
  • 2006 - 2010:
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž, Mavko Borut. Material properties' influence in fuel-coolant interaction codes. J. eng. gas turbine power. 2010, vol. 132(7), pp. 072901-1-072901-7.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž. Analysis of ex-vessel steam explosion pressure loads. Stroj. vestn. 2010, vol. 56(6), pp. 368-376.
    • Leskovar Matjaž, Urši? Mitja. Estimation of ex-vessel steam explosion pressure loads. Nucl. Eng. Des. 2009, vol. 239(11), pp. 2444-2458.
    • Žitnik Matjaž, Budnar Miloš, Ravnikar Klemen, Urši? Mitja, Grlj Nataša, Jakomin Marko, Rupnik Zdravko, Pelicon Primož. Estimation of possible airoborne elemental inputs to the Slovenian marine environment. J. radioanal. nucl. chem. 2008, vol. 275(1), pp. 17-28.
    • Šmit Žiga, Urši? Mitja, Pelicon Primož, Tr?ek Pe?ak Tamara, Šeme Blaž, Smrekar Andrej, Langus Irma, Nemec Ivo, Kavkler Katja. Concentration profiles in paint layers studied by differential PIXE. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms. 2008, vol. 266(9), pp. 2047-2059.
    • Urši? Mitja, Leskovar Matjaž. Analysis of TROI-13 steam explosion experiment. Sci. Technol. Nucl. Install. 2008.
    • Budnar Miloš, Urši? Mitja, Sim?i? Jurij, Pelicon Primož, Kolar Jana, Šelih Vid Simon, Strli? Matija. Analysis of iron gall inks by PIXE. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms. 2006, vol. 243, pp. 407-416.
    • Urši? Mitja, Budnar Miloš, Sim?i? Jurij, Pelicon Primož. The influence of matrix composition and ink layer thickness on iron gall ink determination by the PIXE method. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms. 2006, vol. 247, pp. 342-348.
  • 2001 - 2005:
    • Budnar Miloš, Sim?i? Jurij, Rupnik Zdravko, Urši? Mitja, Pelicon Primož, Kolar Jana, Strli? Matija. In-air PIXE set-up for automatic analysis of historical document inks. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms. 2004, vol. 219/220, pp. 41-47.
    • Urši? Mitja, Kav?i? Matjaž, Budnar Miloš. Second order radiative contributions in the K[Beta][sub](1,3) X-ray spectra of 3d transition metals and their dependence on the chemical state of the element. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms. 2003, vol. 211, pp.  7-14.




Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials
Extending intergranular normal-stress distributions using symmetries of linear-elastic polycrystalline materials Dr. Samir El Shawish from the Reactor Engineering Division at Jožef Stefan Institute published the research articl...
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